Friday 5 September 2008

Early Cancer Detection Can Save Lives - Royal Australian College Of General Practitioners

�On Daffodil Day, 22 August, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) called for early detection of cancer to improve the patient's probability of successful treatment. Daffodil Day is an enterprisingness of The Cancer Council Australia and reminds us of the importance of raising crab awareness.

"Cancer affects a large number of Australians, with an estimated 106,000 new cases of cancer diagnosed each class. And with 1 in 2 workforce and 1 in 3 women diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85, the chances are high that most of us know someone world Health Organization has been affected by this disease," said Dr Vasantha Preetham, RACGP President.

"GPs encompass the full spectrum of cancer guardianship including bar, screening, diagnosis, referral, reexamination and providing psychosocial supporting to patients and their support partners.

"Catching malignant neoplastic disease early significantly improves patient outcomes and survival rates. By increasing their apprehension of the latest crab screening methods, GPs potty make a real departure to improving the rates of early detection and to delivery lives.

"The best way you canful protect yourself is to get to know your own body, be informed and take regular health checks. If you posting any unusual changes, such as a lump in your breast or a spot ontogenesis on your skin, determine your dr. without delay.

"Some cancers could be prevented by making positive lifestyle changes such as giving up smoking, protecting yourself in the sun, aiming for a respectable body system of weights, being physically active, choosing a balanced diet rich in fruit and vegetables and avoiding alcohol.

"People with an increased cancer risk due to fellowship history or their life-style, should verbalise to their GP about potential risks. Your GP is the best position to jump with getting the right-hand advice and screening tests; it's never too early to talk to your GP!

"There is evidence that some cancers ar more usual in less well off parts of our community. Aboriginal women, older women and women living in low socioeconomic areas sustain a higher incidence of cervical cancer for deterrent example. Studies have also shown that low income and less enlightened patients ar less likely to be screened and more probable to be diagnosed with late leg colorectal crab.

"All people in Australia deserve approach to the best malignant neoplastic disease screening and treatment, whether they live in removed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, if they are living in immigration detention or in prison or if they ar homeless. General practitioners play a florida key role in extending genus Cancer care to disadvantaged patients with complex needs," said Dr Vasantha Preetham.

For more info visit hypertext transfer protocol:// or

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) is responsible for maintaining standards for lineament clinical pattern, education and training, and research in Australian general practice. The RACGP has the largest general practician membership of any medical organisation in Australia and represents the majority of Australia's general practitioners.

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

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Tuesday 26 August 2008

Study Provides Interesting Clues Into Why Some Children Are More Likely To Develop Into Adult Snorers, Says British Lung Foundation

�A survey has set up that a predisposition to adult stertor can be established very early in life. The research published in BioMed Central's open access journal Respiratory Research describes possible childhood peril factors, including exposure to animals, other! respiratory or ear infections and ontogenesis up in a big family.

Here is the British Lung Foundation's response to this research:

"This study provides some interesting clues into why some children are more probable to develop into adult snorers and adds to the body of evidence that respiratory problems in early living can lead to the development of respiratory weather in by and by life" says Dr Keith Prowse, Chairman of the British Lung Foundation. "Snoring is more than just a pain and tin can be a sign of a respiratory condition called sleep apnoea which affects more than 110,000 people in the UK and is caused by the narrowing of the throat during sleep. We would welcome further research in this area to establish wherefore exposure to these risk factors causes some children to become snorers in later life."

British Lung Foundation

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Thursday 7 August 2008

McCain -- Paris Is My Energizer Bunny

John McCain's mouthpiece has responded to Paris Hilton's stinging retort -- but he's not attacking Hiltie!

In the unkindest cut of all, McCain's spokesperson Tucker Bounds tells TMZ that on the subject of energy, Paris is deeper than Barack. He says, "Sounds like Paris is taking the 'All of the Above' energy approach that John McCain has advocated -- both alternatives and drilling. Perhaps the reality is that Paris has a more substantive energy plan than Barack Obama."

Just hours ago, FunnyOrDie posted a video of Paris calling McCain "wrinkly" and pitching a hybrid energy policy.

More info

Monday 30 June 2008


Artist: Rollercoaster




   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 5


Tuesday 24 June 2008

BBC, EMI accessing each other's archives

Companies will receive reciprocal royalties on sales

LONDON -- The BBC has handed EMI Music the keys to its treasure-filled broadcast vault. Through an agreement struck between EMI and BBC Worldwide, the commercial arm of the BBC, both parties will be able to tap into each other's content wells.
The London-based music group will have access to BBC's archive TV and radio recordings to create products for release across multiple platforms, including DVDs, CDs and digital downloads.
On the flip side, BBC Worldwide will be able to use EMI artist performances to create new programming for commercial use, including international radio and TV programs. BBC Worldwide also has obtained rights to distribute the content direct to consumers by way of its own future digital services.
"We are very excited about this agreement," said Pete Duckworth, senior vp catalog, EMI Music U.K. and Ireland. "In the BBC vaults there is a wealth of unreleased and high-quality material from EMI artists that we will now be able to bring to fans. At the same time, we can offer new revenue opportunities to our artists that simply weren't there before."
BBC's archive includes such EMI spoils as 1967 live radio performances from Pink Floyd, playing tracks from its debut album "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn," plus a 1975 documentary on David Bowie and early recordings of Coldplay.
Both companies will also receive reciprocal royalties for each other's sales, and featured artists will be approached for clearance on each release project.
Its not the first time BBC has encouraged the major label community to tap into its broadcast library. Universal Music struck a landmark licensing deal in mid-2005, enabling the market-leader to leverage the BBC's audio and visual content for use in a broad range of internationally available products.

Monday 23 June 2008

DJ Stardust

DJ Stardust   
Artist: DJ Stardust



Dance pollution 241   
 Dance pollution 241

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 2

Dance pollution 221   
 Dance pollution 221

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 2


Julian Sas

MSNBC pundit Keith Olbermann owes New York state for unpaid taxes

ALBANY, N.Y. - MSNBC pundit Keith Olbermann, who spotlights misbehaviour nightly with his "Worst Person in the World" recognition, owes New York state for unpaid business taxes, according to a tax warrant notice.

And his conservative counterparts and bloggers are making sure the debt is fodder in the ongoing political commentators' feud.

Olbermann, the host of "Countdown," owes New York $2,269.50, according to a tax warrant obtained by The Associated Press.

State Tax and Finance Department spokesman Tom Bergin said the debt recorded against the TV host's Olbermann Broadcasting Empire Inc., based in Los Angeles, is still open.

MSNBC spokesman Jeremy Gaines called it a bookkeeping disagreement between Olbermann's accountants and the state and said it was resolved months ago.

Bergin said the debt could have been resolved recently, but it has not yet been legally "satisfied" and so remains an open case.

The tax debt has been featured on the blog, which referred to Olbermann as a "deadbeat," and among Page Six items in the New York Post. The tabloid referred to Olbermann as a "professional angry man" who likes tax-and-spend liberals "but didn't pay his own taxes."

Olbermann has named Fox TV conservative pundit Bill O'Reilly the world's worst person more than a dozen times. News Corp., headed by CEO Rupert Murdoch, owns the New York Post and Fox News Channel, among other properties.

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